Return the position of the motor relative to its zero position. Raise an error if position reporting is not supported.
extra: StructReturn the motor's properties.
extra: StructTurn the motor at a specified speed for either a specified number of revolutions or indefinitely. Raise an error if position reporting is not supported.
Speed in revolutions per minute.
Number of revolutions relative to the motor's starting position. If this value is 0, this will run the motor at the given rpm indefinitely. If this value is nonzero, this will block until the number of revolutions has been completed or another operation comes in.
extra: StructMove the motor to a specific position relative to its home position at a specified speed. Raise an error if position reporting is not supported.
Speed in revolutions per minute.
Number of revolutions relative to the motor's home position.
extra: StructReturn true if the motor is on.
extra: StructSet the current position of the motor as the new zero position, offset by a given position. Raise an error if position reporting is not supported.
Position from which to offset the current position.
extra: StructSet the percentage of the motor's total power that should be employed.
A value between -1 and 1 where negative values indicate a backwards direction and positive values a forward direction.
extra: StructMove the motor indefinitely at a specified speed. Raise an error if position reporting is not supported.
Speed in revolutions per minute.
extra: StructTurn the motor off.
extra: Struct
Represents a physical motor.