methods: { Readonly
doDoCommand sends/receives arbitrary commands
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.DoCommand
I: typeof DoCommandRequestReadonly
O: typeof DoCommandResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DoCommand"Readonly
getGetGeometries returns the geometries of the component in their current configuration
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.GetGeometries
I: typeof GetGeometriesRequestReadonly
O: typeof GetGeometriesResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetGeometries"Readonly
getGetProperties returns the properties of a base in its current configuration
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.GetProperties
I: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesRequestReadonly
O: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetProperties"Readonly
isIsMoving reports if a component is in motion
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.IsMoving
I: typeof baseApi.IsMovingRequestReadonly
O: typeof baseApi.IsMovingResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "IsMoving"Readonly
moveMoveStraight moves a robot's base in a straight line by a given distance, expressed in millimeters and a given speed, expressed in millimeters per second This method blocks until completed or cancelled
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.MoveStraight
I: typeof MoveStraightRequestReadonly
O: typeof MoveStraightResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "MoveStraight"Readonly
setSetPower sets the linear and angular power of a base -1 -> 1 in terms of power for each direction
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.SetPower
I: typeof baseApi.SetPowerRequestReadonly
O: typeof baseApi.SetPowerResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "SetPower"Readonly
setSetVelocity sets the linear and angular velocity of a base
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.SetVelocity
I: typeof SetVelocityRequestReadonly
O: typeof SetVelocityResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "SetVelocity"Readonly
spin: { Spin spins a robot's base by an given angle, expressed in degrees, and a given angular speed, expressed in degrees per second This method blocks until completed or cancelled
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.Spin
I: typeof SpinRequestReadonly
O: typeof SpinResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Spin"Readonly
stop: { Stop stops a robot's base
from rpc viam.component.base.v1.BaseService.Stop
I: typeof baseApi.StopRequestReadonly
O: typeof baseApi.StopResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Stop"Readonly
optionsReturn the base's properties.
Move a base in a straight line by a given distance at a given speed. This method blocks until completed or cancelled.
Distance to move, in millimeters.
Movement speed, in millimeters per second.
Set the linear and angular power of a base from -1 to 1 in terms of power for each direction.
Desired linear power percentage from -1 to 1.
Desired angular power percentage from -1 to 1.
Set the linear and angular velocity of a base.
Desired linear velocity in millimeters per second.
Desired angular velocity in degrees per second.
Generated using TypeDoc
A gRPC-web client for the Base component.