Class RobotClient

A gRPC-web client for a Robot.


  • EventDispatcher
    • RobotClient



  • Parameters

    • serviceHost: string
    • Optional webrtcOptions: WebRTCOptions
    • Optional sessionOptions: SessionOptions
    • Optional directOptions: DirectOptions

    Returns RobotClient


armServiceClient: undefined | ArmServiceClient
baseServiceClient: undefined | BaseServiceClient
boardServiceClient: undefined | BoardServiceClient
connectResolve: undefined | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

connecting: undefined | Promise<void>
directOptions: undefined | DirectOptions
encoderServiceClient: undefined | EncoderServiceClient
gRPCConnectionManager: default
gantryServiceClient: undefined | GantryServiceClient
genericServiceClient: undefined | GenericServiceClient
gripperServiceClient: undefined | GripperServiceClient
inputControllerServiceClient: undefined | InputControllerServiceClient
listeners: Partial<Record<string, Set<Callback>>> = {}
motionServiceClient: undefined | MotionServiceClient
motorServiceClient: undefined | MotorServiceClient
movementSensorServiceClient: undefined | MovementSensorServiceClient
navigationServiceClient: undefined | NavigationServiceClient
peerConn: undefined | RTCPeerConnection
powerSensorServiceClient: undefined | PowerSensorServiceClient
robotServiceClient: undefined | RobotServiceClient
savedAuthEntity: undefined | string
savedCreds: undefined | Credentials
sensorsServiceClient: undefined | SensorsServiceClient
serviceHost: string
servoServiceClient: undefined | ServoServiceClient
sessionManager: default
sessionOptions: undefined | SessionOptions
slamServiceClient: undefined | SLAMServiceClient
transportFactory: undefined | TransportFactory
visionServiceClient: undefined | VisionServiceClient
webrtcOptions: undefined | WebRTCOptions
notConnectedYetStr: "not connected yet" = 'not connected yet'


  • get armService(): ArmServiceClient
  • Returns ArmServiceClient

  • get baseService(): BaseServiceClient
  • Returns BaseServiceClient

  • get boardService(): BoardServiceClient
  • Returns BoardServiceClient

  • get encoderService(): EncoderServiceClient
  • Returns EncoderServiceClient

  • get gantryService(): GantryServiceClient
  • Returns GantryServiceClient

  • get genericService(): GenericServiceClient
  • Returns GenericServiceClient

  • get gripperService(): GripperServiceClient
  • Returns GripperServiceClient

  • get inputControllerService(): InputControllerServiceClient
  • Returns InputControllerServiceClient

  • get motionService(): MotionServiceClient
  • Returns MotionServiceClient

  • get motorService(): MotorServiceClient
  • Returns MotorServiceClient

  • get movementSensorService(): MovementSensorServiceClient
  • Returns MovementSensorServiceClient

  • Returns NavigationServiceClient

  • get noReconnect(): undefined | boolean
  • Returns undefined | boolean

  • get peerConnection(): undefined | RTCPeerConnection
  • Returns undefined | RTCPeerConnection

  • get powerSensorService(): PowerSensorServiceClient
  • Returns PowerSensorServiceClient

  • get reconnectMaxAttempts(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get reconnectMaxWait(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get robotService(): RobotServiceClient
  • Returns RobotServiceClient

  • get sensorsService(): SensorsServiceClient
  • Returns SensorsServiceClient

  • get servoService(): ServoServiceClient
  • Returns ServoServiceClient

  • get sessionId(): string
  • Returns string

  • get slamService(): SLAMServiceClient
  • Returns SLAMServiceClient

  • get visionService(): VisionServiceClient
  • Returns VisionServiceClient


  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: ConnectOptions = {}

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ServiceClient


    • SC: (new (serviceHost, options?) => T)
        • new (serviceHost, options?): T
        • Parameters

          • serviceHost: string
          • Optional options: RpcOptions

          Returns T

    Returns T

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • args: unknown

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional event: Event

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void



Frame System

  • Alpha

    Transform a given source point cloud from the reference frame to a new specified destination which is a reference frame.


    • pointCloudPCD: Uint8Array

      The point clouds to transform. This should be in the PCD format encoded into bytes:

    • source: string

      The reference frame of the point cloud.

    • destination: string

      The reference frame into which the source data should be transformed, if unset this defaults to the "world" reference frame. Do not move the robot between the generation of the initial pointcloud and the receipt of the transformed pointcloud because that will make the transformations inaccurate.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • Alpha

    Transform a given source Pose from the reference frame to a new specified destination which is a reference frame.


    • source: commonApi.PoseInFrame
    • destination: string

      The name of the reference frame to transform the given

    • supplementalTransforms: commonApi.Transform[]

      Pose information on any additional reference frames that are needed to perform the transform

    Returns Promise<commonApi.PoseInFrame>


  • Alpha

    Blocks on the specified operation on the robot. This function will only return when the specific operation has finished or has been cancelled.


    • id: string

      ID of operation to block on.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Alpha

    Cancels the specified operation on the robot.


    • id: string

      ID of operation to kill.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Alpha

    Cancel all current and outstanding operations for the robot and stop all actuators and movement.

    Returns Promise<void>



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