Class RobotClient

A gRPC-web client for a Robot.


  • EventDispatcher
    • RobotClient



  • Alpha

    Restarts a module running on the machine with the given id or name.


    • Optional moduleId: string

      The id matching the module_id field of the registry module in your part configuration

    • Optional moduleName: string

      The name matching the name field of the local/registry module in your part configuration

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Parameters

    • serviceHost: string
    • Optional webrtcOptions: WebRTCOptions
    • Optional sessionOptions: SessionOptions
    • Optional directOptions: DirectOptions

    Returns RobotClient


armServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getEndPosition: {
            I: typeof GetEndPositionRequest;
            O: typeof GetEndPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetEndPosition";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getJointPositions: {
            I: typeof GetJointPositionsRequest;
            O: typeof GetJointPositionsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetJointPositions";
        getKinematics: {
            I: typeof GetKinematicsRequest;
            O: typeof GetKinematicsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetKinematics";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof armApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof armApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        moveThroughJointPositions: {
            I: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsRequest;
            O: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveThroughJointPositions";
        moveToJointPositions: {
            I: typeof MoveToJointPositionsRequest;
            O: typeof MoveToJointPositionsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveToJointPositions";
        moveToPosition: {
            I: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
            O: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveToPosition";
        stop: {
            I: typeof armApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof armApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.arm.v1.ArmService";
baseServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof baseApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof baseApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        moveStraight: {
            I: typeof MoveStraightRequest;
            O: typeof MoveStraightResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveStraight";
        setPower: {
            I: typeof baseApi.SetPowerRequest;
            O: typeof baseApi.SetPowerResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetPower";
        setVelocity: {
            I: typeof SetVelocityRequest;
            O: typeof SetVelocityResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetVelocity";
        spin: {
            I: typeof SpinRequest;
            O: typeof SpinResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Spin";
        stop: {
            I: typeof baseApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof baseApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.base.v1.BaseService";
boardServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getDigitalInterruptValue: {
            I: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueRequest;
            O: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetDigitalInterruptValue";
        getGPIO: {
            I: typeof GetGPIORequest;
            O: typeof GetGPIOResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGPIO";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        pWM: {
            I: typeof PWMRequest;
            O: typeof PWMResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "PWM";
        pWMFrequency: {
            I: typeof PWMFrequencyRequest;
            O: typeof PWMFrequencyResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "PWMFrequency";
        readAnalogReader: {
            I: typeof ReadAnalogReaderRequest;
            O: typeof ReadAnalogReaderResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ReadAnalogReader";
        setGPIO: {
            I: typeof SetGPIORequest;
            O: typeof SetGPIOResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetGPIO";
        setPWM: {
            I: typeof SetPWMRequest;
            O: typeof SetPWMResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetPWM";
        setPWMFrequency: {
            I: typeof SetPWMFrequencyRequest;
            O: typeof SetPWMFrequencyResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetPWMFrequency";
        setPowerMode: {
            I: typeof SetPowerModeRequest;
            O: typeof SetPowerModeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetPowerMode";
        streamTicks: {
            I: typeof StreamTicksRequest;
            O: typeof StreamTicksResponse;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "StreamTicks";
        writeAnalog: {
            I: typeof WriteAnalogRequest;
            O: typeof WriteAnalogResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "WriteAnalog";
    typeName: "viam.component.board.v1.BoardService";
closed: boolean
connectResolve: undefined | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

connecting: undefined | Promise<void>
directOptions: undefined | DirectOptions
discoveryServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        discoverResources: {
            I: typeof DiscoverResourcesRequest;
            O: typeof DiscoverResourcesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DiscoverResources";
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
    typeName: "viam.service.discovery.v1.DiscoveryService";
encoderServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
        resetPosition: {
            I: typeof ResetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof ResetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ResetPosition";
    typeName: "viam.component.encoder.v1.EncoderService";
gRPCConnectionManager: default
gantryServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getLengths: {
            I: typeof GetLengthsRequest;
            O: typeof GetLengthsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetLengths";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        home: {
            I: typeof HomeRequest;
            O: typeof HomeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Home";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        moveToPosition: {
            I: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
            O: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveToPosition";
        stop: {
            I: typeof gantryApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof gantryApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.gantry.v1.GantryService";
genericServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
    typeName: "viam.component.generic.v1.GenericService";
gripperServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        grab: {
            I: typeof GrabRequest;
            O: typeof GrabResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Grab";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        open: {
            I: typeof OpenRequest;
            O: typeof OpenResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Open";
        stop: {
            I: typeof gripperApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof gripperApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.gripper.v1.GripperService";
inputControllerServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getControls: {
            I: typeof GetControlsRequest;
            O: typeof GetControlsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetControls";
        getEvents: {
            I: typeof GetEventsRequest;
            O: typeof GetEventsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetEvents";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        streamEvents: {
            I: typeof StreamEventsRequest;
            O: typeof StreamEventsResponse;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "StreamEvents";
        triggerEvent: {
            I: typeof TriggerEventRequest;
            O: typeof TriggerEventResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "TriggerEvent";
    typeName: "viam.component.inputcontroller.v1.InputControllerService";
listeners: Partial<Record<string, Set<Callback>>> = {}
motionServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getPlan: {
            I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPlan";
        getPose: {
            I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
            O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPose";
        listPlanStatuses: {
            I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ListPlanStatuses";
        move: {
            I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Move";
        moveOnGlobe: {
            I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnGlobe";
        moveOnMap: {
            I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnMap";
        stopPlan: {
            I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
            O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "StopPlan";
    typeName: "viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService";
motorServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof motorApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof motorApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
        goFor: {
            I: typeof GoForRequest;
            O: typeof GoForResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GoFor";
        goTo: {
            I: typeof GoToRequest;
            O: typeof GoToResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GoTo";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof motorApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof motorApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        isPowered: {
            I: typeof IsPoweredRequest;
            O: typeof IsPoweredResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsPowered";
        resetZeroPosition: {
            I: typeof ResetZeroPositionRequest;
            O: typeof ResetZeroPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ResetZeroPosition";
        setPower: {
            I: typeof motorApi.SetPowerRequest;
            O: typeof motorApi.SetPowerResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetPower";
        setRPM: {
            I: typeof SetRPMRequest;
            O: typeof SetRPMResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetRPM";
        stop: {
            I: typeof motorApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof motorApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.motor.v1.MotorService";
movementSensorServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getAccuracy: {
            I: typeof GetAccuracyRequest;
            O: typeof GetAccuracyResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetAccuracy";
        getAngularVelocity: {
            I: typeof GetAngularVelocityRequest;
            O: typeof GetAngularVelocityResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetAngularVelocity";
        getCompassHeading: {
            I: typeof GetCompassHeadingRequest;
            O: typeof GetCompassHeadingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetCompassHeading";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getLinearAcceleration: {
            I: typeof GetLinearAccelerationRequest;
            O: typeof GetLinearAccelerationResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetLinearAcceleration";
        getLinearVelocity: {
            I: typeof GetLinearVelocityRequest;
            O: typeof GetLinearVelocityResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetLinearVelocity";
        getOrientation: {
            I: typeof GetOrientationRequest;
            O: typeof GetOrientationResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetOrientation";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
        getReadings: {
            I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
            O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetReadings";
    typeName: "viam.component.movementsensor.v1.MovementSensorService";
navigationServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        addWaypoint: {
            I: typeof AddWaypointRequest;
            O: typeof AddWaypointResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "AddWaypoint";
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getLocation: {
            I: typeof navigationApi.GetLocationRequest;
            O: typeof navigationApi.GetLocationResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetLocation";
        getMode: {
            I: typeof GetModeRequest;
            O: typeof GetModeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetMode";
        getObstacles: {
            I: typeof GetObstaclesRequest;
            O: typeof GetObstaclesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetObstacles";
        getPaths: {
            I: typeof GetPathsRequest;
            O: typeof GetPathsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPaths";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof navigationApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof navigationApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
        getWaypoints: {
            I: typeof GetWaypointsRequest;
            O: typeof GetWaypointsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetWaypoints";
        removeWaypoint: {
            I: typeof RemoveWaypointRequest;
            O: typeof RemoveWaypointResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "RemoveWaypoint";
        setMode: {
            I: typeof SetModeRequest;
            O: typeof SetModeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SetMode";
    typeName: "viam.service.navigation.v1.NavigationService";
peerConn: undefined | RTCPeerConnection
powerSensorServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getCurrent: {
            I: typeof GetCurrentRequest;
            O: typeof GetCurrentResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetCurrent";
        getPower: {
            I: typeof GetPowerRequest;
            O: typeof GetPowerResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPower";
        getReadings: {
            I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
            O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetReadings";
        getVoltage: {
            I: typeof GetVoltageRequest;
            O: typeof GetVoltageResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetVoltage";
    typeName: "viam.component.powersensor.v1.PowerSensorService";
robotServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        blockForOperation: {
            I: typeof BlockForOperationRequest;
            O: typeof BlockForOperationResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "BlockForOperation";
        cancelOperation: {
            I: typeof CancelOperationRequest;
            O: typeof CancelOperationResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "CancelOperation";
        discoverComponents: {
            I: typeof DiscoverComponentsRequest;
            O: typeof DiscoverComponentsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DiscoverComponents";
        frameSystemConfig: {
            I: typeof FrameSystemConfigRequest;
            O: typeof FrameSystemConfigResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "FrameSystemConfig";
        getCloudMetadata: {
            I: typeof GetCloudMetadataRequest;
            O: typeof GetCloudMetadataResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetCloudMetadata";
        getMachineStatus: {
            I: typeof GetMachineStatusRequest;
            O: typeof GetMachineStatusResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetMachineStatus";
        getModelsFromModules: {
            I: typeof GetModelsFromModulesRequest;
            O: typeof GetModelsFromModulesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetModelsFromModules";
        getOperations: {
            I: typeof GetOperationsRequest;
            O: typeof GetOperationsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetOperations";
        getSessions: {
            I: typeof GetSessionsRequest;
            O: typeof GetSessionsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetSessions";
        getStatus: {
            I: typeof GetStatusRequest;
            O: typeof GetStatusResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetStatus";
        getVersion: {
            I: typeof GetVersionRequest;
            O: typeof GetVersionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetVersion";
        log: {
            I: typeof robotApi.LogRequest;
            O: typeof robotApi.LogResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Log";
        resourceNames: {
            I: typeof ResourceNamesRequest;
            O: typeof ResourceNamesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ResourceNames";
        resourceRPCSubtypes: {
            I: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesRequest;
            O: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ResourceRPCSubtypes";
        restartModule: {
            I: typeof RestartModuleRequest;
            O: typeof RestartModuleResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "RestartModule";
        sendSessionHeartbeat: {
            I: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatRequest;
            O: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "SendSessionHeartbeat";
        shutdown: {
            I: typeof ShutdownRequest;
            O: typeof ShutdownResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Shutdown";
        startSession: {
            I: typeof StartSessionRequest;
            O: typeof StartSessionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "StartSession";
        stopAll: {
            I: typeof StopAllRequest;
            O: typeof StopAllResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "StopAll";
        streamStatus: {
            I: typeof StreamStatusRequest;
            O: typeof StreamStatusResponse;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "StreamStatus";
        transformPCD: {
            I: typeof TransformPCDRequest;
            O: typeof TransformPCDResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "TransformPCD";
        transformPose: {
            I: typeof TransformPoseRequest;
            O: typeof TransformPoseResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "TransformPose";
        tunnel: {
            I: typeof TunnelRequest;
            O: typeof TunnelResponse;
            kind: BiDiStreaming;
            name: "Tunnel";
    typeName: "viam.robot.v1.RobotService";
savedCreds: undefined | Credentials
serviceHost: string
servoServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getGeometries: {
            I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
            O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetGeometries";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof servoApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof servoApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        isMoving: {
            I: typeof servoApi.IsMovingRequest;
            O: typeof servoApi.IsMovingResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "IsMoving";
        move: {
            I: typeof servoApi.MoveRequest;
            O: typeof servoApi.MoveResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Move";
        stop: {
            I: typeof servoApi.StopRequest;
            O: typeof servoApi.StopResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Stop";
    typeName: "viam.component.servo.v1.ServoService";
sessionManager: default
sessionOptions: undefined | SessionOptions
slamServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getInternalState: {
            I: typeof GetInternalStateRequest;
            O: typeof GetInternalStateResponse;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "GetInternalState";
        getPointCloudMap: {
            I: typeof GetPointCloudMapRequest;
            O: typeof GetPointCloudMapResponse;
            kind: ServerStreaming;
            name: "GetPointCloudMap";
        getPosition: {
            I: typeof slamApi.GetPositionRequest;
            O: typeof slamApi.GetPositionResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPosition";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
    typeName: "viam.service.slam.v1.SLAMService";
transport: undefined | Transport
visionServiceClient: undefined | PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        captureAllFromCamera: {
            I: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraRequest;
            O: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "CaptureAllFromCamera";
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getClassifications: {
            I: typeof GetClassificationsRequest;
            O: typeof GetClassificationsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetClassifications";
        getClassificationsFromCamera: {
            I: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraRequest;
            O: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetClassificationsFromCamera";
        getDetections: {
            I: typeof GetDetectionsRequest;
            O: typeof GetDetectionsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetDetections";
        getDetectionsFromCamera: {
            I: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraRequest;
            O: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetDetectionsFromCamera";
        getObjectPointClouds: {
            I: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsRequest;
            O: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetObjectPointClouds";
        getProperties: {
            I: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
            O: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetProperties";
    typeName: "";
webrtcOptions: undefined | WebRTCOptions
notConnectedYetStr: "not connected yet" = 'not connected yet'


  • get armService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getEndPosition: {
                I: typeof GetEndPositionRequest;
                O: typeof GetEndPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetEndPosition";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getJointPositions: {
                I: typeof GetJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetJointPositions";
            getKinematics: {
                I: typeof GetKinematicsRequest;
                O: typeof GetKinematicsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetKinematics";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof armApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveThroughJointPositions: {
                I: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveThroughJointPositions";
            moveToJointPositions: {
                I: typeof MoveToJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof MoveToJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToJointPositions";
            moveToPosition: {
                I: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToPosition";
            stop: {
                I: typeof armApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.arm.v1.ArmService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getEndPosition: {
                I: typeof GetEndPositionRequest;
                O: typeof GetEndPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetEndPosition";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getJointPositions: {
                I: typeof GetJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetJointPositions";
            getKinematics: {
                I: typeof GetKinematicsRequest;
                O: typeof GetKinematicsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetKinematics";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof armApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveThroughJointPositions: {
                I: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof MoveThroughJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveThroughJointPositions";
            moveToJointPositions: {
                I: typeof MoveToJointPositionsRequest;
                O: typeof MoveToJointPositionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToJointPositions";
            moveToPosition: {
                I: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToPosition";
            stop: {
                I: typeof armApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof armApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.arm.v1.ArmService";

  • get baseService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof baseApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveStraight: {
                I: typeof MoveStraightRequest;
                O: typeof MoveStraightResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveStraight";
            setPower: {
                I: typeof baseApi.SetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.SetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPower";
            setVelocity: {
                I: typeof SetVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof SetVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetVelocity";
            spin: {
                I: typeof SpinRequest;
                O: typeof SpinResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Spin";
            stop: {
                I: typeof baseApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.base.v1.BaseService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof baseApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveStraight: {
                I: typeof MoveStraightRequest;
                O: typeof MoveStraightResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveStraight";
            setPower: {
                I: typeof baseApi.SetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.SetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPower";
            setVelocity: {
                I: typeof SetVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof SetVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetVelocity";
            spin: {
                I: typeof SpinRequest;
                O: typeof SpinResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Spin";
            stop: {
                I: typeof baseApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof baseApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.base.v1.BaseService";

  • get boardService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getDigitalInterruptValue: {
                I: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueRequest;
                O: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDigitalInterruptValue";
            getGPIO: {
                I: typeof GetGPIORequest;
                O: typeof GetGPIOResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGPIO";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            pWM: {
                I: typeof PWMRequest;
                O: typeof PWMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "PWM";
            pWMFrequency: {
                I: typeof PWMFrequencyRequest;
                O: typeof PWMFrequencyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "PWMFrequency";
            readAnalogReader: {
                I: typeof ReadAnalogReaderRequest;
                O: typeof ReadAnalogReaderResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ReadAnalogReader";
            setGPIO: {
                I: typeof SetGPIORequest;
                O: typeof SetGPIOResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetGPIO";
            setPWM: {
                I: typeof SetPWMRequest;
                O: typeof SetPWMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPWM";
            setPWMFrequency: {
                I: typeof SetPWMFrequencyRequest;
                O: typeof SetPWMFrequencyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPWMFrequency";
            setPowerMode: {
                I: typeof SetPowerModeRequest;
                O: typeof SetPowerModeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPowerMode";
            streamTicks: {
                I: typeof StreamTicksRequest;
                O: typeof StreamTicksResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamTicks";
            writeAnalog: {
                I: typeof WriteAnalogRequest;
                O: typeof WriteAnalogResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "WriteAnalog";
        typeName: "viam.component.board.v1.BoardService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getDigitalInterruptValue: {
                I: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueRequest;
                O: typeof GetDigitalInterruptValueResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDigitalInterruptValue";
            getGPIO: {
                I: typeof GetGPIORequest;
                O: typeof GetGPIOResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGPIO";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            pWM: {
                I: typeof PWMRequest;
                O: typeof PWMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "PWM";
            pWMFrequency: {
                I: typeof PWMFrequencyRequest;
                O: typeof PWMFrequencyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "PWMFrequency";
            readAnalogReader: {
                I: typeof ReadAnalogReaderRequest;
                O: typeof ReadAnalogReaderResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ReadAnalogReader";
            setGPIO: {
                I: typeof SetGPIORequest;
                O: typeof SetGPIOResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetGPIO";
            setPWM: {
                I: typeof SetPWMRequest;
                O: typeof SetPWMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPWM";
            setPWMFrequency: {
                I: typeof SetPWMFrequencyRequest;
                O: typeof SetPWMFrequencyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPWMFrequency";
            setPowerMode: {
                I: typeof SetPowerModeRequest;
                O: typeof SetPowerModeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPowerMode";
            streamTicks: {
                I: typeof StreamTicksRequest;
                O: typeof StreamTicksResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamTicks";
            writeAnalog: {
                I: typeof WriteAnalogRequest;
                O: typeof WriteAnalogResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "WriteAnalog";
        typeName: "viam.component.board.v1.BoardService";

  • get discoveryService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            discoverResources: {
                I: typeof DiscoverResourcesRequest;
                O: typeof DiscoverResourcesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DiscoverResources";
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
        typeName: "viam.service.discovery.v1.DiscoveryService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            discoverResources: {
                I: typeof DiscoverResourcesRequest;
                O: typeof DiscoverResourcesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DiscoverResources";
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
        typeName: "viam.service.discovery.v1.DiscoveryService";

  • get encoderService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            resetPosition: {
                I: typeof ResetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof ResetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResetPosition";
        typeName: "viam.component.encoder.v1.EncoderService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof encoderApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof encoderApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            resetPosition: {
                I: typeof ResetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof ResetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResetPosition";
        typeName: "viam.component.encoder.v1.EncoderService";

  • get gantryService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getLengths: {
                I: typeof GetLengthsRequest;
                O: typeof GetLengthsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLengths";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            home: {
                I: typeof HomeRequest;
                O: typeof HomeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Home";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveToPosition: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToPosition";
            stop: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.gantry.v1.GantryService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getLengths: {
                I: typeof GetLengthsRequest;
                O: typeof GetLengthsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLengths";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            home: {
                I: typeof HomeRequest;
                O: typeof HomeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Home";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            moveToPosition: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.MoveToPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveToPosition";
            stop: {
                I: typeof gantryApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof gantryApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.gantry.v1.GantryService";

  • get genericService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
        typeName: "viam.component.generic.v1.GenericService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
        typeName: "viam.component.generic.v1.GenericService";

  • get gripperService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            grab: {
                I: typeof GrabRequest;
                O: typeof GrabResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Grab";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            open: {
                I: typeof OpenRequest;
                O: typeof OpenResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Open";
            stop: {
                I: typeof gripperApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof gripperApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.gripper.v1.GripperService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            grab: {
                I: typeof GrabRequest;
                O: typeof GrabResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Grab";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof gripperApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            open: {
                I: typeof OpenRequest;
                O: typeof OpenResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Open";
            stop: {
                I: typeof gripperApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof gripperApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.gripper.v1.GripperService";

  • get inputControllerService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getControls: {
                I: typeof GetControlsRequest;
                O: typeof GetControlsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetControls";
            getEvents: {
                I: typeof GetEventsRequest;
                O: typeof GetEventsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetEvents";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            streamEvents: {
                I: typeof StreamEventsRequest;
                O: typeof StreamEventsResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamEvents";
            triggerEvent: {
                I: typeof TriggerEventRequest;
                O: typeof TriggerEventResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TriggerEvent";
        typeName: "viam.component.inputcontroller.v1.InputControllerService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getControls: {
                I: typeof GetControlsRequest;
                O: typeof GetControlsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetControls";
            getEvents: {
                I: typeof GetEventsRequest;
                O: typeof GetEventsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetEvents";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            streamEvents: {
                I: typeof StreamEventsRequest;
                O: typeof StreamEventsResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamEvents";
            triggerEvent: {
                I: typeof TriggerEventRequest;
                O: typeof TriggerEventResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TriggerEvent";
        typeName: "viam.component.inputcontroller.v1.InputControllerService";

  • get motionService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getPlan: {
                I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPlan";
            getPose: {
                I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
                O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPose";
            listPlanStatuses: {
                I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ListPlanStatuses";
            move: {
                I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Move";
            moveOnGlobe: {
                I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
                O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveOnGlobe";
            moveOnMap: {
                I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
                O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveOnMap";
            stopPlan: {
                I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
                O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StopPlan";
        typeName: "viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getPlan: {
                I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPlan";
            getPose: {
                I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
                O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPose";
            listPlanStatuses: {
                I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ListPlanStatuses";
            move: {
                I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
                O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Move";
            moveOnGlobe: {
                I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
                O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveOnGlobe";
            moveOnMap: {
                I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
                O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "MoveOnMap";
            stopPlan: {
                I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
                O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StopPlan";
        typeName: "viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService";

  • get motorService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof motorApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            goFor: {
                I: typeof GoForRequest;
                O: typeof GoForResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GoFor";
            goTo: {
                I: typeof GoToRequest;
                O: typeof GoToResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GoTo";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof motorApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            isPowered: {
                I: typeof IsPoweredRequest;
                O: typeof IsPoweredResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsPowered";
            resetZeroPosition: {
                I: typeof ResetZeroPositionRequest;
                O: typeof ResetZeroPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResetZeroPosition";
            setPower: {
                I: typeof motorApi.SetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.SetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPower";
            setRPM: {
                I: typeof SetRPMRequest;
                O: typeof SetRPMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetRPM";
            stop: {
                I: typeof motorApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.motor.v1.MotorService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof motorApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            goFor: {
                I: typeof GoForRequest;
                O: typeof GoForResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GoFor";
            goTo: {
                I: typeof GoToRequest;
                O: typeof GoToResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GoTo";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof motorApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            isPowered: {
                I: typeof IsPoweredRequest;
                O: typeof IsPoweredResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsPowered";
            resetZeroPosition: {
                I: typeof ResetZeroPositionRequest;
                O: typeof ResetZeroPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResetZeroPosition";
            setPower: {
                I: typeof motorApi.SetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.SetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetPower";
            setRPM: {
                I: typeof SetRPMRequest;
                O: typeof SetRPMResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetRPM";
            stop: {
                I: typeof motorApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof motorApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.motor.v1.MotorService";

  • get movementSensorService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getAccuracy: {
                I: typeof GetAccuracyRequest;
                O: typeof GetAccuracyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetAccuracy";
            getAngularVelocity: {
                I: typeof GetAngularVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof GetAngularVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetAngularVelocity";
            getCompassHeading: {
                I: typeof GetCompassHeadingRequest;
                O: typeof GetCompassHeadingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCompassHeading";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getLinearAcceleration: {
                I: typeof GetLinearAccelerationRequest;
                O: typeof GetLinearAccelerationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLinearAcceleration";
            getLinearVelocity: {
                I: typeof GetLinearVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof GetLinearVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLinearVelocity";
            getOrientation: {
                I: typeof GetOrientationRequest;
                O: typeof GetOrientationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetOrientation";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            getReadings: {
                I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
                O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetReadings";
        typeName: "viam.component.movementsensor.v1.MovementSensorService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getAccuracy: {
                I: typeof GetAccuracyRequest;
                O: typeof GetAccuracyResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetAccuracy";
            getAngularVelocity: {
                I: typeof GetAngularVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof GetAngularVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetAngularVelocity";
            getCompassHeading: {
                I: typeof GetCompassHeadingRequest;
                O: typeof GetCompassHeadingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCompassHeading";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getLinearAcceleration: {
                I: typeof GetLinearAccelerationRequest;
                O: typeof GetLinearAccelerationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLinearAcceleration";
            getLinearVelocity: {
                I: typeof GetLinearVelocityRequest;
                O: typeof GetLinearVelocityResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLinearVelocity";
            getOrientation: {
                I: typeof GetOrientationRequest;
                O: typeof GetOrientationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetOrientation";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof movementSensorApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            getReadings: {
                I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
                O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetReadings";
        typeName: "viam.component.movementsensor.v1.MovementSensorService";

  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            addWaypoint: {
                I: typeof AddWaypointRequest;
                O: typeof AddWaypointResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "AddWaypoint";
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getLocation: {
                I: typeof navigationApi.GetLocationRequest;
                O: typeof navigationApi.GetLocationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetLocation";
            getMode: {
                I: typeof GetModeRequest;
                O: typeof GetModeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetMode";
            getObstacles: {
                I: typeof GetObstaclesRequest;
                O: typeof GetObstaclesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetObstacles";
            getPaths: {
                I: typeof GetPathsRequest;
                O: typeof GetPathsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPaths";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof navigationApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof navigationApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
            getWaypoints: {
                I: typeof GetWaypointsRequest;
                O: typeof GetWaypointsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetWaypoints";
            removeWaypoint: {
                I: typeof RemoveWaypointRequest;
                O: typeof RemoveWaypointResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "RemoveWaypoint";
            setMode: {
                I: typeof SetModeRequest;
                O: typeof SetModeResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SetMode";
        typeName: "viam.service.navigation.v1.NavigationService";

  • get noReconnect(): undefined | boolean
  • Returns undefined | boolean

  • get peerConnection(): undefined | RTCPeerConnection
  • Returns undefined | RTCPeerConnection

  • get powerSensorService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getCurrent: {
                I: typeof GetCurrentRequest;
                O: typeof GetCurrentResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCurrent";
            getPower: {
                I: typeof GetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof GetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPower";
            getReadings: {
                I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
                O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetReadings";
            getVoltage: {
                I: typeof GetVoltageRequest;
                O: typeof GetVoltageResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetVoltage";
        typeName: "viam.component.powersensor.v1.PowerSensorService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getCurrent: {
                I: typeof GetCurrentRequest;
                O: typeof GetCurrentResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCurrent";
            getPower: {
                I: typeof GetPowerRequest;
                O: typeof GetPowerResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPower";
            getReadings: {
                I: typeof GetReadingsRequest;
                O: typeof GetReadingsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetReadings";
            getVoltage: {
                I: typeof GetVoltageRequest;
                O: typeof GetVoltageResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetVoltage";
        typeName: "viam.component.powersensor.v1.PowerSensorService";

  • get reconnectMaxAttempts(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get reconnectMaxWait(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get robotService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            blockForOperation: {
                I: typeof BlockForOperationRequest;
                O: typeof BlockForOperationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "BlockForOperation";
            cancelOperation: {
                I: typeof CancelOperationRequest;
                O: typeof CancelOperationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "CancelOperation";
            discoverComponents: {
                I: typeof DiscoverComponentsRequest;
                O: typeof DiscoverComponentsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DiscoverComponents";
            frameSystemConfig: {
                I: typeof FrameSystemConfigRequest;
                O: typeof FrameSystemConfigResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "FrameSystemConfig";
            getCloudMetadata: {
                I: typeof GetCloudMetadataRequest;
                O: typeof GetCloudMetadataResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCloudMetadata";
            getMachineStatus: {
                I: typeof GetMachineStatusRequest;
                O: typeof GetMachineStatusResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetMachineStatus";
            getModelsFromModules: {
                I: typeof GetModelsFromModulesRequest;
                O: typeof GetModelsFromModulesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetModelsFromModules";
            getOperations: {
                I: typeof GetOperationsRequest;
                O: typeof GetOperationsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetOperations";
            getSessions: {
                I: typeof GetSessionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetSessionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetSessions";
            getStatus: {
                I: typeof GetStatusRequest;
                O: typeof GetStatusResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetStatus";
            getVersion: {
                I: typeof GetVersionRequest;
                O: typeof GetVersionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetVersion";
            log: {
                I: typeof robotApi.LogRequest;
                O: typeof robotApi.LogResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Log";
            resourceNames: {
                I: typeof ResourceNamesRequest;
                O: typeof ResourceNamesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResourceNames";
            resourceRPCSubtypes: {
                I: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesRequest;
                O: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResourceRPCSubtypes";
            restartModule: {
                I: typeof RestartModuleRequest;
                O: typeof RestartModuleResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "RestartModule";
            sendSessionHeartbeat: {
                I: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatRequest;
                O: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SendSessionHeartbeat";
            shutdown: {
                I: typeof ShutdownRequest;
                O: typeof ShutdownResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Shutdown";
            startSession: {
                I: typeof StartSessionRequest;
                O: typeof StartSessionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StartSession";
            stopAll: {
                I: typeof StopAllRequest;
                O: typeof StopAllResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StopAll";
            streamStatus: {
                I: typeof StreamStatusRequest;
                O: typeof StreamStatusResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamStatus";
            transformPCD: {
                I: typeof TransformPCDRequest;
                O: typeof TransformPCDResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TransformPCD";
            transformPose: {
                I: typeof TransformPoseRequest;
                O: typeof TransformPoseResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TransformPose";
            tunnel: {
                I: typeof TunnelRequest;
                O: typeof TunnelResponse;
                kind: BiDiStreaming;
                name: "Tunnel";
        typeName: "viam.robot.v1.RobotService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            blockForOperation: {
                I: typeof BlockForOperationRequest;
                O: typeof BlockForOperationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "BlockForOperation";
            cancelOperation: {
                I: typeof CancelOperationRequest;
                O: typeof CancelOperationResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "CancelOperation";
            discoverComponents: {
                I: typeof DiscoverComponentsRequest;
                O: typeof DiscoverComponentsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DiscoverComponents";
            frameSystemConfig: {
                I: typeof FrameSystemConfigRequest;
                O: typeof FrameSystemConfigResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "FrameSystemConfig";
            getCloudMetadata: {
                I: typeof GetCloudMetadataRequest;
                O: typeof GetCloudMetadataResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetCloudMetadata";
            getMachineStatus: {
                I: typeof GetMachineStatusRequest;
                O: typeof GetMachineStatusResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetMachineStatus";
            getModelsFromModules: {
                I: typeof GetModelsFromModulesRequest;
                O: typeof GetModelsFromModulesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetModelsFromModules";
            getOperations: {
                I: typeof GetOperationsRequest;
                O: typeof GetOperationsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetOperations";
            getSessions: {
                I: typeof GetSessionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetSessionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetSessions";
            getStatus: {
                I: typeof GetStatusRequest;
                O: typeof GetStatusResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetStatus";
            getVersion: {
                I: typeof GetVersionRequest;
                O: typeof GetVersionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetVersion";
            log: {
                I: typeof robotApi.LogRequest;
                O: typeof robotApi.LogResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Log";
            resourceNames: {
                I: typeof ResourceNamesRequest;
                O: typeof ResourceNamesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResourceNames";
            resourceRPCSubtypes: {
                I: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesRequest;
                O: typeof ResourceRPCSubtypesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "ResourceRPCSubtypes";
            restartModule: {
                I: typeof RestartModuleRequest;
                O: typeof RestartModuleResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "RestartModule";
            sendSessionHeartbeat: {
                I: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatRequest;
                O: typeof SendSessionHeartbeatResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "SendSessionHeartbeat";
            shutdown: {
                I: typeof ShutdownRequest;
                O: typeof ShutdownResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Shutdown";
            startSession: {
                I: typeof StartSessionRequest;
                O: typeof StartSessionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StartSession";
            stopAll: {
                I: typeof StopAllRequest;
                O: typeof StopAllResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "StopAll";
            streamStatus: {
                I: typeof StreamStatusRequest;
                O: typeof StreamStatusResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "StreamStatus";
            transformPCD: {
                I: typeof TransformPCDRequest;
                O: typeof TransformPCDResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TransformPCD";
            transformPose: {
                I: typeof TransformPoseRequest;
                O: typeof TransformPoseResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "TransformPose";
            tunnel: {
                I: typeof TunnelRequest;
                O: typeof TunnelResponse;
                kind: BiDiStreaming;
                name: "Tunnel";
        typeName: "viam.robot.v1.RobotService";

  • get servoService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof servoApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof servoApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            move: {
                I: typeof servoApi.MoveRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.MoveResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Move";
            stop: {
                I: typeof servoApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.servo.v1.ServoService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getGeometries: {
                I: typeof GetGeometriesRequest;
                O: typeof GetGeometriesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetGeometries";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof servoApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            isMoving: {
                I: typeof servoApi.IsMovingRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.IsMovingResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "IsMoving";
            move: {
                I: typeof servoApi.MoveRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.MoveResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Move";
            stop: {
                I: typeof servoApi.StopRequest;
                O: typeof servoApi.StopResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "Stop";
        typeName: "viam.component.servo.v1.ServoService";

  • get sessionId(): string
  • Returns string

  • get slamService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getInternalState: {
                I: typeof GetInternalStateRequest;
                O: typeof GetInternalStateResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "GetInternalState";
            getPointCloudMap: {
                I: typeof GetPointCloudMapRequest;
                O: typeof GetPointCloudMapResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "GetPointCloudMap";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof slamApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof slamApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
        typeName: "viam.service.slam.v1.SLAMService";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getInternalState: {
                I: typeof GetInternalStateRequest;
                O: typeof GetInternalStateResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "GetInternalState";
            getPointCloudMap: {
                I: typeof GetPointCloudMapRequest;
                O: typeof GetPointCloudMapResponse;
                kind: ServerStreaming;
                name: "GetPointCloudMap";
            getPosition: {
                I: typeof slamApi.GetPositionRequest;
                O: typeof slamApi.GetPositionResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetPosition";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof slamApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
        typeName: "viam.service.slam.v1.SLAMService";

  • get visionService(): PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            captureAllFromCamera: {
                I: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "CaptureAllFromCamera";
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getClassifications: {
                I: typeof GetClassificationsRequest;
                O: typeof GetClassificationsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetClassifications";
            getClassificationsFromCamera: {
                I: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetClassificationsFromCamera";
            getDetections: {
                I: typeof GetDetectionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetDetectionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDetections";
            getDetectionsFromCamera: {
                I: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDetectionsFromCamera";
            getObjectPointClouds: {
                I: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsRequest;
                O: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetObjectPointClouds";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
        typeName: "";
  • Returns PromiseClient<{
        methods: {
            captureAllFromCamera: {
                I: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof CaptureAllFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "CaptureAllFromCamera";
            doCommand: {
                I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
                O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "DoCommand";
            getClassifications: {
                I: typeof GetClassificationsRequest;
                O: typeof GetClassificationsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetClassifications";
            getClassificationsFromCamera: {
                I: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof GetClassificationsFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetClassificationsFromCamera";
            getDetections: {
                I: typeof GetDetectionsRequest;
                O: typeof GetDetectionsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDetections";
            getDetectionsFromCamera: {
                I: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraRequest;
                O: typeof GetDetectionsFromCameraResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetDetectionsFromCamera";
            getObjectPointClouds: {
                I: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsRequest;
                O: typeof GetObjectPointCloudsResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetObjectPointClouds";
            getProperties: {
                I: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesRequest;
                O: typeof visionApi.GetPropertiesResponse;
                kind: Unary;
                name: "GetProperties";
        typeName: "";


  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: ConnectOptions = {}

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ServiceType


    • svcType: T

    Returns PromiseClient<T>

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • args: unknown

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional event: Event

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: Callback

    Returns void




Frame System

  • Alpha

    Transform a given source point cloud from the reference frame to a new specified destination which is a reference frame.


    • pointCloudPCD: Uint8Array

      The point clouds to transform. This should be in the PCD format encoded into bytes:

    • source: string

      The reference frame of the point cloud.

    • destination: string

      The reference frame into which the source data should be transformed, if unset this defaults to the "world" reference frame. Do not move the robot between the generation of the initial pointcloud and the receipt of the transformed pointcloud because that will make the transformations inaccurate.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • Alpha

    Transform a given source Pose from the reference frame to a new specified destination which is a reference frame.


    • source: commonApi.PoseInFrame
    • destination: string

      The name of the reference frame to transform the given

    • supplementalTransforms: commonApi.Transform[]

      Pose information on any additional reference frames that are needed to perform the transform

    Returns Promise<commonApi.PoseInFrame>


  • Alpha

    Blocks on the specified operation on the robot. This function will only return when the specific operation has finished or has been cancelled.


    • id: string

      ID of operation to block on.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Alpha

    Cancels the specified operation on the robot.


    • id: string

      ID of operation to kill.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Alpha

    Cancel all current and outstanding operations for the robot and stop all actuators and movement.

    Returns Promise<void>



  • Alpha

    Get the list of sessions currently connected to the robot.

    Returns Promise<Session[]>