methods: { Readonly
addfrom rpc
I: typeof AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDs"Readonly
addAddBoundingBoxToImageByID adds a bounding box to an image with the given ID.
from rpc
I: typeof AddBoundingBoxToImageByIDRequestReadonly
O: typeof AddBoundingBoxToImageByIDResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "AddBoundingBoxToImageByID"Readonly
addAddTagsToBinaryDataByFilter adds string tags, unless the tags are already present, to binary data based on the given filter.
from rpc
I: typeof AddTagsToBinaryDataByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof AddTagsToBinaryDataByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "AddTagsToBinaryDataByFilter"Readonly
addAddTagsToBinaryDataByIDs adds string tags, unless the tags are already present, to binary data based on given IDs.
from rpc
I: typeof AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "AddTagsToBinaryDataByIDs"Readonly
binaryBinaryDataByFilter queries binary data and metadata based on given filters.
from rpc
I: typeof BinaryDataByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof BinaryDataByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "BinaryDataByFilter"Readonly
binaryBinaryDataByIDs queries binary data and metadata based on given IDs.
from rpc
I: typeof BinaryDataByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof BinaryDataByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "BinaryDataByIDs"Readonly
boundingBoundingBoxLabelsByFilter gets all string labels for bounding boxes from data based on given filter.
from rpc
I: typeof BoundingBoxLabelsByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof BoundingBoxLabelsByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "BoundingBoxLabelsByFilter"Readonly
configureConfigureDatabaseUser configures a database user for the Viam organization's MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance. It can also be used to reset the password of the existing database user.
from rpc
I: typeof ConfigureDatabaseUserRequestReadonly
O: typeof ConfigureDatabaseUserResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "ConfigureDatabaseUser"Readonly
deleteDeleteBinaryDataByFilter deletes binary data based on given filters.
from rpc
I: typeof DeleteBinaryDataByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof DeleteBinaryDataByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DeleteBinaryDataByFilter"Readonly
deleteDeleteBinaryDataByIDs deletes binary data based on given IDs.
from rpc
I: typeof DeleteBinaryDataByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof DeleteBinaryDataByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DeleteBinaryDataByIDs"Readonly
deleteDeleteTabularData deletes tabular data older than a number of days, based on the given organization ID.
from rpc
I: typeof DeleteTabularDataRequestReadonly
O: typeof DeleteTabularDataResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DeleteTabularData"Readonly
exportExportTabularData queries tabular data from the specified data source.
from rpc
I: typeof ExportTabularDataRequestReadonly
O: typeof ExportTabularDataResponseReadonly
kind: ServerStreamingReadonly
name: "ExportTabularData"Readonly
getGetDatabaseConnection gets a connection to access a MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance. It returns the hostname of the federated database.
from rpc
I: typeof GetDatabaseConnectionRequestReadonly
O: typeof GetDatabaseConnectionResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetDatabaseConnection"Readonly
getGetLatestTabularData gets the most recent tabular data captured from the specified data source.
from rpc
I: typeof GetLatestTabularDataRequestReadonly
O: typeof GetLatestTabularDataResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetLatestTabularData"Readonly
removeRemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDs removes the binary data with the given binary IDs from the dataset.
from rpc
I: typeof RemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof RemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "RemoveBinaryDataFromDatasetByIDs"Readonly
removeRemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByID removes a bounding box from an image with the given ID.
from rpc
I: typeof RemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByIDRequestReadonly
O: typeof RemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByIDResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "RemoveBoundingBoxFromImageByID"Readonly
removeRemoveTagsToBinaryDataByFilter removes string tags from binary data based on the given filter.
from rpc
I: typeof RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByFilter"Readonly
removeRemoveTagsToBinaryDataByIDs removes string tags from binary data based on given IDs.
from rpc
I: typeof RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "RemoveTagsFromBinaryDataByIDs"Readonly
tabularTabularDataByFilter queries tabular data and metadata based on given filters.
from rpc
I: typeof TabularDataByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof TabularDataByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "TabularDataByFilter"Readonly
tabularTabularDataByMQL queries tabular data with an MQL (MongoDB Query Language) query.
from rpc
I: typeof TabularDataByMQLRequestReadonly
O: typeof TabularDataByMQLResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "TabularDataByMQL"Readonly
tabularTabularDataBySQL queries tabular data with a SQL query.
from rpc
I: typeof TabularDataBySQLRequestReadonly
O: typeof TabularDataBySQLResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "TabularDataBySQL"Readonly
tagsTagsByFilter gets all unique tags from data based on given filter.
from rpc
I: typeof TagsByFilterRequestReadonly
O: typeof TagsByFilterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "TagsByFilter"Readonly
updateUpdateBoundingBox updates the bounding box associated with a given binary ID and bounding box ID.
from rpc
I: typeof UpdateBoundingBoxRequestReadonly
O: typeof UpdateBoundingBoxResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "UpdateBoundingBox"Readonly
methods: { Readonly
dataDataCaptureUpload uploads the contents and metadata for tabular data.
from rpc
I: typeof DataCaptureUploadRequestReadonly
O: typeof DataCaptureUploadResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DataCaptureUpload"Readonly
fileFileUpload uploads the contents and metadata for binary (image + file) data, where the first packet must be the UploadMetadata.
from rpc
I: typeof FileUploadRequestReadonly
O: typeof FileUploadResponseReadonly
kind: ClientStreamingReadonly
name: "FileUpload"Readonly
streamingStreamingDataCaptureUpload uploads the streaming contents and metadata for streaming binary (image + file) data, where the first packet must be the UploadMetadata.
from rpc
I: typeof StreamingDataCaptureUploadRequestReadonly
O: typeof StreamingDataCaptureUploadResponseReadonly
kind: ClientStreamingReadonly
name: "StreamingDataCaptureUpload"Readonly
methods: { Readonly
createCreateDataset makes a new dataset.
from rpc
I: typeof CreateDatasetRequestReadonly
O: typeof CreateDatasetResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "CreateDataset"Readonly
deleteDeleteDatasets deletes an existing dataset.
from rpc
I: typeof DeleteDatasetRequestReadonly
O: typeof DeleteDatasetResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DeleteDataset"Readonly
listListDatasetsByIDs lists all of the datasets specified by the given dataset IDs.
from rpc
I: typeof ListDatasetsByIDsRequestReadonly
O: typeof ListDatasetsByIDsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "ListDatasetsByIDs"Readonly
listListDatasetsByOrganizationID lists all of the datasets for an organization.
from rpc
I: typeof ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDRequestReadonly
O: typeof ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "ListDatasetsByOrganizationID"Readonly
renameRenameDataset modifies the name of an existing dataset.
from rpc
I: typeof RenameDatasetRequestReadonly
O: typeof RenameDatasetResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "RenameDataset"Readonly
typeAdd BinaryData to the provided dataset.
The IDs of binary data to add to dataset
The ID of the dataset to be added to
Add bounding box to an image.
A label for the bounding box
The min X value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1
The min Y value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1
The max X value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1
The max Y value of the bounding box normalized from 0 to 1
The bounding box ID
Add tags to binary data, specified by filter.
The tags to add to the data
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying binary data to add tags to.
No filter
implies all binary data.
Add tags to binary data, specified by ID.
The list of tags to add to specified binary data. Must be non-empty.
The IDs of the data to be tagged. Must be non-empty.
Filter and get a page of binary data. The returned metadata might be empty
if the metadata index of the data is out of the bounds of the returned
metadata list. The data will be paginated into pages of limit
items, and
the pagination ID will be included in the returned tuple.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying binary data to retrieve. No
implies all binary data.
limit: numberThe maximum number of entries to include in a page. Defaults to 50 if unspecfied
sortOrder: OrderThe desired sort order of the data
Optional string indicating the ID of the last-returned data. If
provided, the server will return the next data entries after the last
Whether to include binary file data with each retrieved file
Whether to return only the total count of entries
Whether to retun internal data. Internal data is
used for Viam-specific data ingestion, like cloud SLAM. Defaults to
An array of data objects, the count (number of entries), and the last-returned page ID.
Get binary data using the BinaryID.
The IDs of the requested binary data
An array of data objects
Uploads the content and metadata for binary data.
Upload binary data collected on a robot through a specific component (e.g., a motor) along with the relevant metadata to binary data can be found under the "Sensors" subtab of the Data tab on
The data to be uploaded, represented in bytes
The part ID of the component used to capture the data
The type of the component used to capture the data (e.g., "movementSensor")
The name of the component used to capture the data
The name of the method used to capture the data.
The file extension of binary data including the period, e.g. .jpg, .png, .pcd. The backend will route the binary to its corresponding mime type based on this extension. Files with a .jpeg, .jpg, or .png extension will be saved to the images tab.
Tuple containing Date
objects denoting the times
this data was requested[0] by the robot and received[1] from the
appropriate sensor.
tags: string[]The list of tags to allow for tag-based filtering when retrieving data
The file ID of the uploaded data
Get a list of bounding box labels using a Filter.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying what data to get tags from.
No filter
implies all labels.
The list of bounding box labels
Configure a database user for the Viam organization's MongoDB Atlas Data Federation instance. It can also be used to reset the password of the existing database user.
The ID of the organization
The password of the user
Filter and delete binary data.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying binary data to delete. No
implies all binary data.
Whether or not to delete internal data. Default is true
The number of items deleted
Delete binary data, specified by ID.
The IDs of the data to be deleted. Must be non-empty.
The number of items deleted
Delete tabular data older than a specified number of days.
The ID of organization to delete data from
Delete data that was captured more than this
many days ago. For example if deleteOlderThanDays
is 10, this deletes
any data that was captured more than 10 days ago. If it is 0, all
existing data is deleted.
The number of items deleted
Obtain unified tabular data and metadata from the specified data source.
The ID of the part that owns the data
The name of the requested resource that captured the data
The subtype of the requested resource that captured the data
The data capture method name
startTime: DateOptional start time (Date
object) for requesting a
specific range of data
endTime: DateOptional end time (Date
object) for requesting a specific
range of data
An array of unified tabular data and metadata.
Gets the most recent tabular data captured from the specified data source, as long as it was synced within the last year.
The ID of the part that owns the data
The name of the requested resource that captured the data. Ex: "my-sensor"
The subtype of the requested resource that captured the data. Ex: "rdk:component:sensor"
The data capture method name. Ex: "Readings"
A tuple containing [timeCaptured, timeSynced, payload] or null if no data has been synced for the specified resource OR the most recently captured data was over a year ago
Remove BinaryData from the provided dataset.
The IDs of the binary data to remove from dataset
The ID of the dataset to be removed from
Remove a bounding box from an image.
The ID of the image to remove the bounding box from
The ID of the bounding box to remove
Remove tags from binary data, specified by filter.
List of tags to remove from specified binary data. Must be non-empty.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying binary data to add tags to.
No filter
implies all binary data.
The number of items deleted
Remove tags from binary data, specified by ID.
List of tags to remove from specified binary data. Must be non-empty.
The IDs of the data to be edited. Must be non-empty.
The number of items deleted
Filter and get a page of tabular data. The returned metadata might be empty
if the metadata index of the data is out of the bounds of the returned
metadata list. The data will be paginated into pages of limit
items, and
the pagination ID will be included in the returned tuple.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying tabular data to retrieve. No
implies all tabular data.
limit: numberThe maximum number of entries to include in a page. Defaults to 50 if unspecfied
sortOrder: OrderThe desired sort order of the data
Optional string indicating the ID of the last-returned data. If
provided, the server will return the next data entries after the last
Whether to return only the total count of entries
Whether to retun internal data. Internal data is
used for Viam-specific data ingestion, like cloud SLAM. Defaults to
An array of data objects, the count (number of entries), and the last-returned page ID.
Obtain unified tabular data and metadata, queried with MQL.
The ID of the organization that owns the data
The MQL query to run as a list of BSON documents
An array of data objects
Uploads the content and metadata for tabular data.
Upload tabular data collected on a robot through a specific component (e.g., a motor) along with the relevant metadata to Tabular data can be found under the "Sensors" subtab of the Data tab on
The list of data to be uploaded, represented tabularly as an array.
The part ID of the component used to capture the data
The type of the component used to capture the data (e.g., "movementSensor")
The name of the component used to capture the data
The name of the method used to capture the data.
Array of Date tuples, each containing two Date
objects denoting the times this data was requested[0] by the robot and
received[1] from the appropriate sensor. Passing a list of tabular data
and Timestamps with length n > 1 will result in n datapoints being
uploaded, all tied to the same metadata.
tags: string[]The list of tags to allow for tag-based filtering when retrieving data
The file ID of the uploaded data
Get a list of tags using a filter.
filter: FilterOptional pb.Filter
specifying what data to get tags from.
No filter
implies all data.
The list of tags
AddBinaryDataToDatasetByIDs adds the binary data with the given binary IDs to the dataset.