Class AppClient


  • Parameters

    • serviceHost: string
    • grpcOptions: RpcOptions

    Returns AppClient


service: AppServiceClient


  • Add a role under an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to create the role under

    • entityId: string

      The ID of the entity the role belongs to (e.g., a user ID)

    • role: string

      The role to add ("owner" or "operator")

    • resourceType: string

      The type of resource to create the role for ("robot", "location", or "organization")

    • resourceId: string

      The ID of the resource the role is being created for

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Changes an existing role.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Creates a new fragment.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to create the fragment under

    • name: string

      The name of the new fragment

    • config: StructType

      The new fragment's config

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Fragment.AsObject>

    The newly created fragment

  • Creates a new location.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to create the location under

    • name: string

      The name of the location to create

    • Optional parentLocationId: string

      Optional name of a parent location to create the new location under

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Location.AsObject>

    The location object

  • Create a location secret (LocationAuth).


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to create a LocationAuth for

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.LocationAuth.AsObject>

    The newly created LocationAuth

  • Creates a new invitation to join an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The id of the organization to create the invite for

    • email: string

      The email address of the user to generate an invite for

    • authorizations: Authorization[]

      The authorizations to associate with the new invite

    • sendEmailInvite: boolean = true

      Bool of whether to send an email invite (true) or automatically add a user. Defaults to true

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.OrganizationInvite.AsObject>

    The organization invite

  • Create a new registry item.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to create the registry item under

    • name: string

      The name of the registry item

    • type: keyof PackageTypeMap

      The type of the item in the registry.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Creates a new secret for a robot part.


    • partId: string

      The ID of the part to create a secret for

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.RobotPart.AsObject>

    The robot part object

  • Deletes a fragment.


    • id: string

      The ID of the fragment to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes an existing API key.


    • id: string

      The ID of the key to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a location


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a location secret (LocationAuth).


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to delete the LocationAuth from

    • secretId: string

      The ID of the location secret to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The id of the organization to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a pending organization invite.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization

    • email: string

      The email associated with the invite to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Removes a member from an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization

    • userId: string

      The ID of the user

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a registry item.


    • itemId: string

      The ID of the item to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a robot.


    • id: string

      The ID of the robot to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a robot part.


    • partId: string

      The ID of the part to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes a robot secret from a robot part.


    • partId: string

      The ID of the part to delete a secret from

    • secretId: string

      The ID of the secret to delete

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Looks up a particular module.


    • moduleId: string

      The ID of the module

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Module.AsObject>

    The requested module

  • Get details about an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Organization.AsObject>

    Details about the organization, if it exists

  • Find out if an organization namespace is available.


    • namespace: string

      The namespace to query for availability

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    A boolean indicating whether or not the namespace is available

  • Queries a robot by its ID.


    • id: string

      The ID of the robot

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Robot.AsObject>

    The Robot object

  • Get a page of log entries for a specific robot part. Logs are sorted by descending time (newest first).


    • id: string

      The ID of the requested robot part

    • Optional filter: string

      Optional string to filter logs on

    • Optional levels: string[]

      Optional array of log levels to return. Defaults to returning all log levels

    • pageToken: string = ''

      Optional string indicating which page of logs to query. Defaults to the most recent

    Returns Promise<appApi.GetRobotPartLogsResponse.AsObject>

    The robot requested logs and the page token for the next page of logs

  • Returns a list of parts for a given robot


    • robotId: string

      The ID of the robot to query

    Returns Promise<appApi.RobotPart.AsObject[]>

    The list of RobotPart objects associated with the robot

  • Obain a user's ID from their email address.


    • email: string

      The email address of the user

    Returns Promise<string>

    The user's ID

  • List all authorizations for an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to list authorizations for

    • Optional resourceIds: string[]

      Optional list of IDs of resources to list authorizations for. If not provided, all resources will be included

    Returns Promise<appApi.Authorization.AsObject[]>

    The list of authorizations

  • Lists all fragments within an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to list fragments for

    • publicOnly: boolean = true

      Optional, deprecated boolean. Use fragmentVisibilities instead. If true then only public fragments will be listed. Defaults to true

    • fragmentVisibilities: (0 | 1 | 2 | 3)[] = []

      Optional list of fragment visibilities to include in returned list. An empty fragmentVisibilities list defaults to normal publicOnly behavior (discludes unlisted public fragments) Otherwise, fragment visibilities should contain one of the three visibilities and takes precendence over the publicOnly field

    Returns Promise<appApi.Fragment.AsObject[]>

    The list of fragment objects

  • Lists all locations under an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to query

    Returns Promise<appApi.Location.AsObject[]>

    A list of locations under the organization

  • Lists all modules for an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to query

    Returns Promise<appApi.Module.AsObject[]>

    The organization's modules

  • List all organizations associated with a user.


    • userId: string

      The ID of the user to query

    Returns Promise<appApi.OrgDetails.AsObject[]>

    The list of locations the requested user has access to

  • List all registry items for an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to query registry items for

    • types: (keyof PackageTypeMap)[]

      A list of types to query. If empty, will not filter on type

    • visibilities: (keyof VisibilityMap)[]

      A list of visibilities to query for. If empty, will not filter on visibility

    • platforms: string[]

      A list of platforms to query for. If empty, will not filter on platform

    • statuses: (keyof RegistryItemStatusMap)[]

      A list of statuses to query for. If empty, will not filter on status

    • Optional searchTerm: string

      Optional search term to filter on

    • Optional pageToken: string

      Optional page token for results. If not provided, will return all results

    Returns Promise<appApi.RegistryItem.AsObject[]>

    The list of registry items

  • Lists all robots in a location.


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to list robots for

    Returns Promise<appApi.Robot.AsObject[]>

    The list of robot objects

  • Get a location's LocationAuth (location secret(s)).


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to retrieve LocationAuth from.

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.LocationAuth.AsObject>

    The LocationAuth for the requested location.

  • Marks a robot part as the main part.


    • partId: string

      The ID of the part to mark as main

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Marks a robot part for restart.


    • partId: string

      The ID of the part to mark for restart

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Creates a new robot.


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to create the robot in

    • name: string

      The name of the new robot

    Returns Promise<string>

    The new robot's ID

  • Creates a new robot part.


    • robotId: string

      The ID of the robot to create a part for

    • partName: string

      The name for the new robot part

    Returns Promise<string>

    The ID of the newly-created robot part

  • Removes a role from an organization.


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to remove the role from

    • entityId: string

      The ID of the entity the role belongs to (e.g., a user ID)

    • role: string

      The role to remove ("owner" or "operator")

    • resourceType: string

      The type of resource to remove the role from ("robot", "location", or "organization")

    • resourceId: string

      The ID of the resource the role is being removes from

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Shares a location with another organization


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to share with

    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to share

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Get a stream of log entries for a specific robot part. Logs are sorted by descending time (newest first).


    • id: string

      The ID of the requested robot part

    • queue: commonApi.LogEntry.AsObject[]

      A queue to put the log entries into

    • Optional filter: string

      Optional string to filter logs on

    • errorsOnly: boolean = true

      Optional bool to indicate whether or not only error-level logs should be returned. Defaults to true

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Unshares a location with an organization


    • orgId: string

      The ID of the organization to unshare with

    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to unshare

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Updates an existing fragment.


    • id: string

      The ID of the fragment to update

    • name: string

      The name to update the fragment to

    • config: StructType

      The config to update the fragment to

    • Optional makePublic: boolean

      Optional, deprecated boolean specifying whether the fragment should be public or not. If not passed, the visibility will be unchanged. Fragments are private by default when created

    • Optional visibility: keyof FragmentVisibilityMap

      Optional FragmentVisibility specifying the updated fragment visibility. If not passed, the visibility will be unchanged. If visibility is not set and makePublic is set, makePublic takes effect. If makePublic and visibility are set, they must not be conflicting. If neither is set, the fragment visibility will remain unchanged.

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Fragment.AsObject>

    The updated fragment

  • Updates location details.


    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to update

    • Optional name: string

      Optional string to update the location's name to

    • Optional parentLocId: string

      Optional string to update the location's parent location to

    • Optional region: string

      Optional string to update the location's region to

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Location.AsObject>

    The location object

  • Updates an existing module.


    • moduleId: string

      The ID of the module to update

    • visibility: keyof VisibilityMap

      The visibility to set for the module

    • url: string

      The url to reference for documentation, code, etc.

    • description: string

      A short description of the module

    • models: Model[]

      A list of models available in the module

    • entrypoint: string

      The executable to run to start the module program

    Returns Promise<string>

    The module URL

  • Updates organization details.


    • orgId: string

      The id of the organization to update

    • Optional name: string

      Optional name to update the organization with

    • Optional publicNamespace: string

      Optional namespace to update the organization with

    • Optional region: string

      Optional region to update the organization with

    • Optional cid: string

      Optional CRM ID to update the organization with

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Organization.AsObject>

    The updated organization details

  • Updates authorizations for an existing org invite.


    • orgId: string

      The id of the organization

    • email: string

      The email address associated with the invite

    • addAuthsList: Authorization[]

      List of authorizations to add to the invite

    • removeAuthsList: Authorization[]

      List of authorizations to remove from the invite

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.OrganizationInvite.AsObject>

    The organization invite

  • Update an existing registry item.


    • itemId: string

      The ID of the registry item to update

    • type: keyof PackageTypeMap

      The PackageType to update the item to

    • description: string

      A description of the item

    • visibility: keyof VisibilityMap

      A visibility value to update to

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Updates an existing robot's name and/or location.


    • robotId: string

      The ID of the robot to update

    • locId: string

      The ID of the location to move the robot to

    • name: string

      The name to update the robot to

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.Robot.AsObject>

    The newly-modified robot object

  • Updates a robot part based on its ID.


    • id: string

      The ID of the requested robot part

    • name: string

      The new name of the robot part

    • robotConfig: StructType

      The new config for the robot part

    Returns Promise<undefined | appApi.RobotPart.AsObject>

    The updated robot part

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