Interface Gantry

Represents a physical gantry that exists in three-dimensional space.

interface Gantry {
    getLengths: ((extra?) => Promise<number[]>);
    getPosition: ((extra?) => Promise<number[]>);
    home: ((extra?) => Promise<boolean>);
    isMoving: (() => Promise<boolean>);
    moveToPosition: ((positionsMm, speedsMmPerSec, extra?) => Promise<void>);
    stop: ((extra?) => Promise<void>);
    doCommand(command): Promise<JsonValue>;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


getLengths: ((extra?) => Promise<number[]>)

Type declaration

    • (extra?): Promise<number[]>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<number[]>


The lengths of the axes of the gantry in millimeters.

getPosition: ((extra?) => Promise<number[]>)

Type declaration

    • (extra?): Promise<number[]>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<number[]>


The current position of each axis.

home: ((extra?) => Promise<boolean>)

Runs the homing sequence to find the start and end positions of the gantry axis.

Type declaration

    • (extra?): Promise<boolean>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<boolean>


A bool representing whether the gantry has run the homing sequence successfully.

isMoving: (() => Promise<boolean>)

Get if the gantry is currently moving.

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<boolean>
    • Returns Promise<boolean>

moveToPosition: ((positionsMm, speedsMmPerSec, extra?) => Promise<void>)

Move each axis of the gantry to the positionsMm at the speeds in speedsMmPerSec

Type declaration

    • (positionsMm, speedsMmPerSec, extra?): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      • positionsMm: number[]

        The goal positions for each axis of the gantry.

      • speedsMmPerSec: number[]

        The desired speed for each axis to move to the respective position in positionsMm.

      • Optional extra: Struct

      Returns Promise<void>

stop: ((extra?) => Promise<void>)

Stops the motion of the gantry.

Type declaration

    • (extra?): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<void>


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