Interface DialWebRTCConf

Options required to dial a robot via WebRTC.

  • reconnectMaxAttempts value should be a positive int; default is 10.
  • reconnectMaxWait value should be a positive int; default is positive infinity.
interface DialWebRTCConf {
    credentials?: Credential | AccessToken;
    dialTimeout?: number;
    disableSessions?: boolean;
    host: string;
    iceServers?: ICEServer[];
    noReconnect?: boolean;
    priority?: number;
    reconnectAbortSignal?: {
        abort: boolean;
    reconnectMaxAttempts?: number;
    reconnectMaxWait?: number;
    serviceHost?: string;
    signalingAddress: string;


credentials?: Credential | AccessToken
dialTimeout?: number
disableSessions?: boolean
host: string
iceServers?: ICEServer[]
noReconnect?: boolean
priority?: number
reconnectAbortSignal?: {
    abort: boolean;

Type declaration

  • abort: boolean
reconnectMaxAttempts?: number
reconnectMaxWait?: number
serviceHost?: string
signalingAddress: string