Class MotionClient

A gRPC-web client for a Motion service.




callOptions: CallOptions = ...
client: PromiseClient<{
    methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getPlan: {
            I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPlan";
        getPose: {
            I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
            O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPose";
        listPlanStatuses: {
            I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ListPlanStatuses";
        move: {
            I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Move";
        moveOnGlobe: {
            I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnGlobe";
        moveOnMap: {
            I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnMap";
        stopPlan: {
            I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
            O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "StopPlan";
    typeName: "viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService";

Type declaration

  • Readonly methods: {
        doCommand: {
            I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
            O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "DoCommand";
        getPlan: {
            I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPlan";
        getPose: {
            I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
            O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "GetPose";
        listPlanStatuses: {
            I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "ListPlanStatuses";
        move: {
            I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
            O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "Move";
        moveOnGlobe: {
            I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnGlobe";
        moveOnMap: {
            I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
            O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "MoveOnMap";
        stopPlan: {
            I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
            O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
            kind: Unary;
            name: "StopPlan";
    • Readonly doCommand: {
          I: typeof DoCommandRequest;
          O: typeof DoCommandResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "DoCommand";

      DoCommand sends/receives arbitrary commands


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.DoCommand

    • Readonly getPlan: {
          I: typeof GetPlanRequest;
          O: typeof motionApi.GetPlanResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "GetPlan";

      Returns the plan(s) & state history of the most recent execution to move a component. Returns a result if the last execution is still executing OR changed state within the last 24 hours AND the robot has not reinitialized. Plans are never mutated. Replans always create new plans. Replans share the execution_id of the previously executing plan. This currently only returns plans for MoveOnGlobe and MoveOnMap.


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.GetPlan

    • Readonly getPose: {
          I: typeof GetPoseRequest;
          O: typeof GetPoseResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "GetPose";


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.GetPose

    • Readonly listPlanStatuses: {
          I: typeof ListPlanStatusesRequest;
          O: typeof motionApi.ListPlanStatusesResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "ListPlanStatuses";

      Returns the status of plans created by requests to move components that are executing OR are part of an execution which changed it state within the a 24HR TTL OR until the robot reinitializes. This currently only returns plans for MoveOnGlobe and MoveOnMap.


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.ListPlanStatuses

    • Readonly move: {
          I: typeof motionApi.MoveRequest;
          O: typeof motionApi.MoveResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "Move";


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.Move

    • Readonly moveOnGlobe: {
          I: typeof MoveOnGlobeRequest;
          O: typeof MoveOnGlobeResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "MoveOnGlobe";

      Generate and begin executing an execution to move a component to a specific GPS coordinate. May replan to avoid obstacles & account for location drift. Creates a new plan upon replanning.


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.MoveOnGlobe

    • Readonly moveOnMap: {
          I: typeof MoveOnMapRequest;
          O: typeof MoveOnMapResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "MoveOnMap";

      Generate a plan and move a component to a specific pose with respect to the SLAM map's origin. May replan to avoid obstacles


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.MoveOnMap

    • Readonly stopPlan: {
          I: typeof StopPlanRequest;
          O: typeof StopPlanResponse;
          kind: Unary;
          name: "StopPlan";

      Stops a Plan


      from rpc viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService.StopPlan

  • Readonly typeName: "viam.service.motion.v1.MotionService"
name: string
options: Options


  • Send/Receive arbitrary commands to the resource.


    • command: Struct

      The command to execute.

    • callOptions: CallOptions = ...

    Returns Promise<JsonValue>